
Tweet or Post Your Way to Effective Virtual Recruitment

Publication 10, Issue 4

Use Social Networking to Recruit Top Talent

Social networking provides a fantastic complement to your traditional recruitment efforts, and allows candidates, from a range of industries and experience levels, to learn about your company’s work and mission in a lighter setting.  Regardless of the networks you choose, here are a few best practices for virtual recruiting in order to maximize the results of your efforts:

  • Create a “knock-out” company profile that markets your mission, customers and products or services.  Be sure it is updated frequently, and is searchable.  It’s important to remember that updates to your profile do not have to be ‘press-worthy,’ but need to bring real value to followers.
  • Build up your own following by exploring people and groups who are relevant to your field and/or the positions you are looking to fill. A great way is to join or participate in groups that reflect the skills one would need for your jobs.  Post or tweet comments to share relevant news or answer questions.  Your organization will be seen as an expert in your field and virtual colleagues will view you as a reliable resource.
  • Combine traditional and non-traditional recruiting efforts for an interactive and comprehensive outreach strategy.  So if you are going to a job fair, tweet or post about it before you attend, tweet about the event while you are there and post comments on who you met.

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