
NewslettersArticles by KathyGNanny in the News


The Corporate Nanny™, Katharine Giacalone, writes a monthly newsletter that can be found on Facebook, where you can expect to be introduced to the four Playground Personalities©. In a long-ago Aha moment of her own, Kathy realized that in the push/pull of adult life, the same personality types we all encountered as kids on the playground are still with us. She believes that people have to “own their own stuff” and respect that you have to communicate with people in different ways to take advantage of what each one brings to the organization. There’s a good chance that what motivates you, doesn’t motivate others.  Miscommunication—misunderstanding—can be a real stumbling block!

Learn more about the Playground Personalities©…

Articles by KathyG

Nanny In the News

Listen now to Kathy in the news:

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