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We’re back! Sort of, anyway. While some of us never left, many have spent the last 15 months in a WFH status. As offices open and we move on from our Zoom lives and workdays spent in workout shorts or … Continue reading →
We’re back! Sort of, anyway. While some of us never left, many have spent the last 15 months in a WFH status. As offices open and we move on from our Zoom lives and workdays spent in workout shorts or
… Continue reading →
On the house - an offer of consulting or coaching from Katharine Giacalone, The Corporate...
News from Katharine Giacalone, The Corporate Nanny...March 2020
As a manager do you ask: “Do you want the good news or bad news?” Here’s a newsflash…not everyone wants the “good news”! In my Playground Personalities, I’m an Organizer and I always want the bad news first! Why would I want the good news? It’s the bad news I have to deal with! And no, it’s not that Organizers live in a world where the glass is half empty! It’s the way we roll! Remember, different people respond differently – the Peacemaker is hoping the good news means something good happened to someone and the bad news means the opposite – so they definitely don’t want the bad news. The Revolutionary says “Just spill it, I’ll handle it!” Steamrollers want all the news – they’ll decide if it’s good or bad! So, change up your communication style and see what happens! Have you gotten an answer to this question that stunned you? Please share! ... See more